Saturday, 29 December 2012

Quick Bow

Well today I was completely bored and a friend suggested to create a bow! So for a quick hour I created a dragon inspired Bow.


Monrose 1947 - Was my final animation piece for Year 1 at Academy of Interactive Entertainment.
My project was to create a full game level in 7 weeks. I had to design absolutely everything from the floor plans, to the many MANY assets, to character to music. Everything was researched and documented before anything was created.

Friday, 28 December 2012


Our very first attempt at using MudBox. We had to pick any head which had two eyes, nose and a mouth and replicate it. Are searching the Internet for a long time I finally chose to do a Skitter from the TV series Falling Skies. 

Amazon Girl

Our first full Character design in Maya. We were given simple orthographic's in which we had to replicate completely.

Child's Play

My very final graduating Animation piece from Deakin University.
We had eight weeks to complete concept, design, model and animate a short animation piece.
I chose to explore the innocent mind of a child.

Arm Assessment

This was our first on day assessment. We had two days to complete a full functioning arm. We had to design a piece of armor for the arm as well.
The complete pipeline was mandatory.

Ratatoulie Lighting

Lighting one of the most horrid but fun things I have learned with Maya.
For our assessment we were to use the pre made Ratatoulie kitchen and give it realistic lighting.
We were to base the lighting off a random picture that we found on the Internet.
We were to create 4 different camera shots, Long, Mid and 2 close up shops all from different locations inside the kitchen.
We were allowed to use as many lights as we pleased to create the realistic scene.
I chose to use 6 lights, Area, Directions, Spots, Point and Ambients.

Arrow Away!

Our final animation assessment. Was to create a small 6 second animation that included all of the 12 principles of animation.
-  Straight ahead Action and pose to pose
- Timing
- Staging
- Slow in slow out
- Squash and Stretch
- Anticipation
- Follow through and Overlapping action
- Exaggeration
- Arcs
- Secondary Action
- Appeal
- Depth


A very quick class practice was to create a death-murder scene with 2 or more characters.
We had to incorporate movement from all characters as well as facial expressions.
This was my very simple torture :)

Animation Walk

After we managed to create small movements from a character we then worked on making a character walk, and move with realistic movements.
This was a very small 7 second walking animation.

Moom - Push Animation

After the simple object animation we moved onto character animation.
We used a pre rigged character to help create different animations, push, pull, jump, etc.

Ball With Tail

Our first attempts at animating objects with Maya.
We started out with very simple objects, like a falling ball, or a seesaw, spring very basic animations to gather the basic needs.
This was my final submission for my ball with tail character. He had to complete certain aspects of jumping up the stairs and falling off the end.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Character Modelling

One of my first realistic character attempts done at home. I found an okay looking character orthographic on the Internet and went from there.

Lava Ball

A small project we did to create a ball of lava. Using different effects within maya to create a realistic looking ball. Without having to alter the original sphere primitive or give it extensive texture maps.

John Doh

This was our next big group project that we had to do.
The first task was to decide on a Genre for our mini game that we were going to create.
In groups of 5 we were to create 5 individual levels for a simple point and click game.
First off we were only to design the cinematography then we were going to implement our levels into a program called Unity.
So we chose a simple Adventure game about a small piece of Play-Doh named John Doh.
His story was about a small piece of mold able playdoh who wanted to find his treasure.
I was to create the first opening scene and the first level, which was John Doh starting out in his toy Pirate ship and trying to escape the toy box. But he has to perform 5 actions before he can escape.

Bonsai Tree

This weeks task was to find a reference image off of the Internet and replicate it.
I mainly looked for a tree that had simple branches and a not too complicated trunk.

Friday, 21 December 2012

Lego - Shaun of the Dead

My very first Team assessment at AIE (Academy of Interactive Entertainment.
Our assignment was to create the ever so loving Lego character but recreate it within a movie scene.
Working in groups we were to create everything from the lego characters themselves as well as props and the scene. So we chose the gruesome awesomeness of Shaun of the Dead.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Snow Globe

This was one of the first things we attempted to do using Maya at AIE.
The first task was to create a cube character, then to place him into an
I chose to do a Eskimo Man type character and his Snow Globe envrionemnt
was the end of the world.

Again we were only allowed to use primitives, no adjustments of verts or faces were allowed.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Camera Bot - Deakin

Steam Punk inspired assignment. As a first off object creation, we were to use two different object and infuse them to make a whole new object with a story.

This is my CameraBot.
He is part security camera part steam operated.

His background story is that he will be used as a military or who ever can afford it. He will be used to infiltrate enemies whilst being undetected and capturing all of its movements through its camera.  

Hercules Beetle

My very first Deakin Character assessment.
The task was to model an insect but give it human characteristics.

I chose to model the oh too cute Hercules Beetle, that turned out to look a lot like the beetle from Ants.
But I never originally intended it too..